Changes for the 350x20 banner.

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Changes for the 350x20 banner.

Postby VirtualGamingLV » 19/05/2013, 0:29

I'd like to suggest a possibility to use a custom background for the 350x20 banner.
As we know, a lot of people are using the services, so I suggest to replace the secondary color as background color and connect the primary color with 'LAST 24-H STATS' and text of the monitor.

Why connect the secondary color with primary color?
If we'll add a third color, the currently added server monitors in other websites won't work because the current code of the monitor won't work, it'll need a third section for the newest color. The secondary color is pretty unuseful at this moment, and I think, that stats line could be connected with primary text.

I hope to see this suggestion realised, because the current backgrounded server monitors are not friendly with other websites design.

Thank you,
- VirtualGamingLV
Posts: 2
Joined: 04/10/2012, 9:51

Re: Changes for the 350x20 banner.

Postby StanleY » 19/05/2013, 16:58

Thanks for the advice, this feature will be available as soon
Posts: 57
Joined: 25/04/2011, 19:10

Re: Changes for the 350x20 banner.

Postby StanleY » 13/06/2013, 16:32

Have you noticed that now it is available?
Posts: 57
Joined: 25/04/2011, 19:10

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