AirDropFrequency: |
48 |
AirDropMarker: |
True |
AllowCrossplay: |
True |
AllowSpawnNearBackpack: |
True |
Architecture64: |
True |
BedrollDeadZoneSize: |
15 |
BedrollExpiryTime: |
45 |
BlockDamageAI: |
100 |
BlockDamageAIBM: |
100 |
BlockDamagePlayer: |
100 |
BlockDurabilityModifier: |
-1 |
BloodMoonEnemyCount: |
512 |
BloodMoonFrequency: |
7 |
BloodMoonRange: |
0 |
BloodMoonWarning: |
8 |
BuildCreate: |
False |
CombinedNativeId: |
CombinedPrimaryId: |
CurrentPlayers: |
0 |
CurrentServerTime: |
6519565 |
DayCount: |
3 |
DayLightLength: |
18 |
DayNightLength: |
60 |
DeathPenalty: |
1 |
DropOnDeath: |
3 |
DropOnQuit: |
0 |
EACAndSanctions: |
EACEnabledOn,IgnoreEOSSanctionsOff, |
EnemyDifficulty: |
0 |
EnemySpawnMode: |
True |
FreePlayerSlots: |
16 |
GameDifficulty: |
5 |
GameHost: |
[JP] JGG A22 7 Days to Die Server [No Reset] |
GameMode: |
Survival |
GameName: |
NoReset |
GameType: |
7DTD |
IP: | |
IsDedicated: |
True |
IsPasswordProtected: |
False |
IsPublic: |
True |
LandClaimCount: |
30 |
LandClaimDeadZone: |
30 |
LandClaimDecayMode: |
0 |
LandClaimExpiryTime: |
7 |
LandClaimOfflineDelay: |
0 |
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier: |
0 |
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier: |
0 |
LandClaimSize: |
41 |
Language: |
日本語 |
LevelName: |
NoReset |
LootAbundance: |
150 |
LootRespawnDays: |
2 |
MaxChunkAge: |
7 |
MaxPlayers: |
16 |
MaxSpawnedAnimals: |
256 |
MaxSpawnedZombies: |
256 |
ModdedConfig: |
True |
PartySharedKillRange: |
99999 |
Ping: |
-1 |
Platform: |
WindowsPlayer |
PlayGroup: |
Standalone |
PlayerKillingMode: |
0 |
Port: |
26945 |
QuestProgressionDailyLimit: |
9999 |
Region: |
Asia |
RequiresMod: |
False |
ServerDescription: |
色々カスタマイズされた \\n A21 7dtd 中級者向けバニラサーバーです \\n ゾンビが多少多いです \\n [ff0000]j[ff7f00]u[ffff00]n[7fff00]k[00ff00]d[00ff7f]e[00ffff]s[007fff]h[0000ff]i[7f00ff]は[ff00ff]出[ff007f]禁[ff0000]で[ff7f00]す |
ServerLoginConfirmationText: |
JGGサーバーにようこそ! \\n \\n 本はサーバーはPVEサーバーです \\n 基本的にプレイヤー同士の殺し合い アイテムの強奪 拠点の破壊 迷惑行為は禁止です \\n 他にも理解能力が不自由な方 最低限のマナーがない人は見つけ次第BANさせてもらいます \\n そして他のサーバーにも共有さしていただきますのでお忘れなく! \\n \\n ゲームのバグは開発者へご連絡ください サーバー管理者では対応しません \\n サーバーの不具合はdiscordにご連絡ください \\n discordのリンクはこちらからお願いします \\n \\n \\n ※ゲーム内チャットでぼやいてても管理者には届きません! |
ServerVersion: |
V.1.1.14 |
ServerVisibility: |
2 |
ServerWebsiteURL: | |
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap: |
True |
SteamID: |
90220797265280003 |
StockFiles: |
True |
StockSettings: |
False |
UniqueId: |
ad1dcbf378604de9839835f8d4c7565d |
WorldSize: |
8192 |
XPMultiplier: |
150 |
ZombieBMMove: |
4 |
ZombieFeralMove: |
4 |
ZombieFeralSense: |
0 |
ZombieMove: |
0 |
ZombieMoveNight: |
4 |
ZombiesRun: |
-1 |
dedicated: |
d |
game_descr: |
7 Days To Die |
game_dir: |
7DTD |
hostname: |
[JP] JGG A22 7 Days to Die Server [No Reset] |
map: |
NoReset |
max_players: |
16 |
num_bots: |
0 |
num_players: |
0 |
os: |
w |
password: |
0 |
protocol: |
17 |
secure: |
0 |
steamappid: |
0 |
version: |
48 |